Site Audit Services - Should I go Solar Now or Later?

For homeowners and business owners who are looking to install solar PV systems, the first step is usually a site audit. The site audit determines if your roof is a good candidate for solar, What size of solar PV system is suitable for you, how much your solar PV system will be capable of producing, and how much money you’ll save on your utility bill by switching to green energy.

Once you’ve completed a site audit, you’ll be able to get a custom-designed solar PV system that suits your home’s or business's unique electricity requirements.

Our goal is to give you all the resources you need to become an educated consumer and make the smart choice for your own unique situation when it comes to going with green energy.

A site audit will assess several factors. We look at your roof and several of its characteristics, as well as other elements of your home or business that will affect the solar PV system, like your load type and consumption pattern, and we’ll also review your current utility costs with you. A full in-person site audit can take several hours, but a solar audit can also be done virtually. 

Assessing Your Electricity Bill

Roof Examination

Electric Load Assessment

Discussion & Due Delligence

Solar Audit Services - Is my Solar PV System performing as expected?

For many solar PV system owners, the common question is about the performance of the solar PV system as was expected or promised to them bt the EPC company.

Understanding the Solar PV system performance is not as easy as it may look or conveyed there are several factors affecting the performance of the solar PV system. Some of these factors could be the pre-considered and industry specific but as these factors are considered during the design & engineering phase and seem to be the least bothering to the clients as the performance projections are derived after considering these industry specific factors.

Why Is My Solar PV System Not Performing as Expected? Well the answer lies within the design & engineering of the solar PV system, as most of the factors that affect the solar PV system performance are the ones which could have been avoided during the design & engineering phase.

We carry out Solar Audit activities to understand and eliminate the factors which have been affecting the peak performance of your solar PV system and leading to revenue loss

Our Solar-Audit services majorly intend to answer the following questions:

Performance Analysis

Is my solar PV system Performing up-to the mark?

Revenue Analysis

Am I actually making profit from my Solar PV system?

Affecting Factors

What factors are affecting the Solar PV System performance?

Correction Methods

How can I eliminate the affecting factors and increase revenue?